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Re: Barring Bros Was:Re: SLL protocol implementation ?

>> 1) The stock market board sets the attribute semantics.
>> 2) Each company may define their own semantics.
>> (1) is easiest to implement, (2) is easiest to administer. What is actually 
<> needed is a set of Meta semantics which allow the creation of a semantics 
>> fits the application. 

>Just where are the semantics encoded? Some sort of default
>authorization engine? Some standard set of operations, and a function
>involving those ops, attribute values, and values associated with the
>request to be processed?

Separate the ability to specify from the ability to resolve, If someone wants to 
create a set of attributes which are only used between two parties thats fine. 
There is no requirement for a third party to know what the precise restrictions 
are. Indeed it may be a requirement for the attributes to be secret (ie 

So, as a fallback we can specify the semantics on paper and let the 
implementations sort it out. Or maybe the sematics _require_ manual 

But for the most general case we want to have some reliable standbys. We want a 
set of attributes which can be understood by standard software and have a well 
defined legal interpretation for the benefit of the courts.

Provided we allow for the inference engine itself to be defined by a link we can 
always create arbitarily complex/bizare schemes as the need arises. what we 
should ensure however is that the process is is well defined at a level which 
permits the parties to later on go to a third party and have an arbitration on 
the position. If parties chose to engage in ill defined and undecidable schemas 
well we can't stop people cutting their own throats.

